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What's the cause?

One of the many values and passions we have at Southern Heights Investments, LLC. is that of philanthropic work, and giving back to the community in which we serve. For the 2020-2021 campaign, we have the honor and privilege of serving as a sponsor for Woodfield Academy out of Macon, GA, aiding in their efforts for a school-grounds' renovation project. 

Woodfield Academy

Founded in 1977, Woodfield Academy empowers students with diagnosed learning differences or developmental disorders to reach their potential through individualized attention within a caring community, utilizing research-based nature-smart methods; that is the Woodfield way.

Being Macon's only nature smart school, Woodfield is committed to providing a great education utilizing the first and best “classroom,” of our species, the green world of Nature. 

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The Renovation project

Steadfast behind the notion that students can learn tangibly through nature rather than simply using textbooks and chalkboards, Woodfield Academy aims to interact and instruct our students by utilizing our beautiful campus as an outdoor classroom.

Woodfield Academy’s campus is made up of 4.87 acres of land, needing overhaul and transformation into usable learning spaces.  The project will be broken down into three phases over the course of three years, to ensure the time and due diligence is taken into account.

Upon completion, the school and surrounding community alike can use, learn and enjoy including: Outdoor amphitheaters, Nature Trails, Outdoor Study Halls, Gardens, and more!